Is it possible that you have to debug Playwright and list all the available items on the page, so you can know if your locate your item const buttons = await page.$$(‘button’); or your click await will work. To do so you can list all items and also highlight them when you run npx playwright test , add the following in your playwright test file, in any test:
const componentHandles = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {
const components = new Map();
const walker = document.createTreeWalker(
while (walker.nextNode()) {
const element = walker.currentNode as HTMLElement;
const nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (components.has(nodeName)) {
components.set(nodeName, components.get(nodeName) + 1);
} else {
components.set(nodeName, 1);
} = '2px solid red'; // Highlight the component
return Array.from(components);
const componentCount = await componentHandles.jsonValue();
console.log('Component count:');
for (const [component, count] of Object.entries(componentCount)) {
console.log(`${component}: ${count}`);
0: noscript,1
1: script,1
2: div,41
3: input,3
4: span,3
5: aside,1
6: style,1
7: button,2
8: svg,1
9: g,2
10: path,3
And it will display on the web browser you item with red borders.