Is it possible that when you try to import a backup of your MySQL database on Google Cloud, you have the following error :
We are trying to import a backup in Google Cloud SQL
The following error appears in the logs
error: exit status 1 stdout(capped at 100k bytes): stderr: ERROR 3546 (HY000) at line 26: @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED cannot be changed: the added gtid set must not overlap with @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED
To solve the problem, open the SQL file with text editor and search the error “@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED”
After modifying the *.sql file, you should be able to import successfully :
If you have a database on Google Cloud and you want to import and export some tables to another database, you will need a database explorer to export your .SQL backup.
Export the tables you want in database
Google Cloud interface only allow to export all a database or a specific database, but not tables
As you can see you don’t have the option to select tables. To do so, you will have to connect the database with a SQL explorer. In MySQL Workbench you should go in Server > Data Export
Then you should be able to select the tables you want
select Export to Self-Contained File to have a .SQL file
Import the SQL file to Google Cloud
You will need to upload the SQL file to Google Cloud in order to import it. In order to do it, go to Google Cloud > Cloud Storage, create the bucket if it doesn’t exist yet :
create the bucket dedicated for SQL, with random numbers, to have a unique name
Upload the SQL file generated by MySQL Workbench
Then, you can go on Google Cloud > SQL > Import
Select the SQL file from the bucked and select the database you want the tables to be imported
And then you should have imported successfully the tables on the selected database. You should check it in Operations
In case of errors, check the error in Operations, and modify the .SQL file with a text editor, search the error in the SQL file and remove the lines, and repeat the process (upload it again to Google Cloud Storage and import the SQL file again)
When importing SQL file on Google Cloud (MySQL 5.7), I faced the following error:
exit status 1 ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 18: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation
You can see the error when go in “Operation”, you can see the logs of the MySQL instance
In order to solve this problem, you should understand that we do not have SUPER privileges on the Google Cloud SQL instance, it means if you do “SHOW GRANTS” on your MySQL, it will tell you that you have almost all the rights but not all.
This problem happen when you try to import some specific things such triggers, views, … so you should be careful on the SQL export when you do it. As for me, I’m using MySQL Workbench 8.0, it seems that by default I have this error when I try to import the SQL file generated on Google Cloud. I tried to import an export from Google Cloud to another instance and seems to work, so the problem is when you export the SQL file it should not contains things that needs specific privileges. I found a configuration that worked for me and now I don’t have this annoying error anymore. Great ! Here is the options I have used. First, when you export, go to Advanced Options…
Then you should check the following options:
Now you can try to import the SQL file on Google Cloud, it should works ! F*ck yeah!